Human Dymensions works with executives to front line works across a spectrum of industries, communities and government departments. We work on a range of issues from safety and risk assessment to workplace culture to leadership to staff wellbeing.
All these areas contribute to a healthier workplace for the mind, body and soul. It also contributes to better business practices, productivity and performance with bottom line results.
The Human Dymensions team are familiar with and work within, the Senior Executive Capability Framework. Our team’s work with Senior executives is characterised by a strong research base, expertise and quality control under the supervision of Dr Long.
Alliance Building
Human Dymensions have extensive experience in supporting complex alliances and inter and intra-organisational relationships. For example West Gate Freeway Alliance, Port Botany Expansion Alliance, 3ARAIL Alliance and ETA Alliance.
Infrastructure Industry
Dr Long and his team have worked extensively with some of the largest infrastructure projects in Australia.
Programs have included seminars, facilitations, training, coaching and mentoring to the executive teams and key stakeholders including, alliance partners and executives in alliances.
Key areas of expertise include work on: leadership and management, project and performance management, people skills, work-life balance, organisational development, cultural development, communication and alliance building.
Human Dymensions has been recently working with some of the largest building and civil companies in Australia eg. Baulderstone, Built, Hindmarsh Group, UGL Ltd and St Hilliers.
Clients have included executives in the Departments of Defense, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Immigration, Education and ACT Government Departments.
In addition (and in alliance with Jakeman Business Solutions) services and programs have been delivered to executives in the Department of Finance and CSIRO (AAHL) including, diagnostic analysis and presentations on organisational culture and security.
Human Dymensions provides benchmarked diagnostics to the Department of Defence in the psychology of risk and culture of security.
Human Dymensions are currently delivering a longitudinal safety culture program to Castlemaine Gold.