The Human Dymensions MiProfile Culture Survey (MiProfile) tool is a surveying learning event which stimulates intense conversations about culture and at the same time measures culture in an organisation.

While organisations often know intuitively about their cultural values, what they do and want to achieve, they sometimes need a creative map to guide them. MiProfile is a tool which helps organisations uncover, assess and address underlying beliefs, values and attitudes hidden in everyday practice.

How does MiProfile do it?

The best way to assess safety culture values and beliefs is by getting to the “gut” (implicit) knowledge of people in the workplace. MiProfile does this by using Keypad technology, the survey is structured in rapid fire statements with only a few seconds to answer, using the Keypad. There is no writing, no need to be highly literate and its all anonymous and confidential.

How does it work?

Everyone holds a Keypad and responds to survey statements, results are accumulated by the computer and displayed on the screen instantly. This has a strong effect on participants and stimulates vibrant discussion about values and beliefs about safety in the company.

How will this benefit me and my organisation?
  1. First of all this is more than just a survey, its an event and experiential learning activity. The process is enjoyable and stimulating not like paper-based surveys which are often tedious and people suffer from survey fatigue.
  2. The MiProfile process offers organisations extraordinary insight and evidence into implicit beliefs held throughout the organisation. Rather than guess, organisations can use the quantitative results to drive evidence-based practice.
  3. The MiProfile process drives targeted analysis provided by Dr Robert Long and his team.  MiProfile is far more reliable, interactive and educational than conventional data collection processes.
  4. An expert team ensure ethical and reliable methods and help construct the experience as well as provide qualitative (observation/focus group) evidence.
  5. The MiProfile process is more than just a survey and collection of data. Each session is an event of enagement in learning and strategic thinking. People leave the MiProfile session enthused, motivated and engaged about safety.
  6. The Miprofile process generates a comprehensive report supervised by Dr Long.
  7. The Report provides expert analysis of the safety culture in the organisation and recommendations about practical interventions and actions to be taken.
Any downsides?

The survey session is labour intensive and therefore more costly than Internet or paper-based surveys but these costs
are far outweighed by the benefits of the experience and the insights gathered by the presence of the expert team.

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Human Dymensions - MiProfile